Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dear Diary, Who's Ever Average?

Is anyone ever average? No I don't think so cause who wants to be the average teenage girl who "7 out of 10 will have sex and regret it."  No one! So if that is part of being that average teen who wants to be that? Who wants to be just another statistic? I think this Poem/Quote explains it all. 

--I don't want to be another statistic
Some suicidal teen
Who makes choice to kill herself
When the world just seems too mean.
She cant go on with life
Or so to her it seems
Reality has fallen short

I dont want to be another statistic
Some pregnant little girl
Who met this great guy
And then gave sex a whirl
She was only 15
But it felt so right
She thought theyd be together
For more than just a night

I dont want to be another statistic
Some kid strung out on crack
Who started at a party
and now she cant turn back
First cigarettes and alcohal
Now meth, crack and cocaine
She's been smoking it so long
That now shes gone insane

I dont want to be another statistic
Some girl left in the rain
Who was walking home from school
Then raped and left in pain
She cant tell her parents
And it hurts to tell her friends
She doenst know what she'll do
To make this nightmare end

I dont want to be another statistic
Some kid out of school
Who dropped out early
And was acting like a fool
He thought that it was boring
He thought that it was dumb
He doesn't have an education
But lives on the streets like a bum

I don't want to be another statistic
Some sterotypical teen
I'm gunna make a difference
I'll finish with my dream
I wont end up pregnant
On drugs or even dead
I wont drop out of school
Because i'll use my head

I don't want to be another statistic
To fit into some mold
Of what society thinks of kids today
Because its getting kind of old
Not all of us are bad
In fact most of us are good
When will the world see us
And give us credit like they should

I agree SO much with this poem, because I see it everyone assumes, yup that teen is having sex, yup that teen is drinking or stealing. If your in a relationship no body trust you two alone, "CAUSE YOUR A TEEN". Everyone thinks that it's going to end badly. Or the girl will end up pregnant .... but is that really every teen? Or just what society tells us we are? 

That not so average Teen. 

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