Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dear Diary, I'm a half time poet.

You say you'll never cry. 
If tomorrow you were to lose me 
That you'd take it like a man. 
If tomorrow your best friend was no longer, 
You sit there, not spilling a tear, 
You'd have to take it like a man. 

You say you don't care what others think, 
Then how come you listen to their rules? 
They tell you it's not manly 
They tell you to suck it up. 
Real men don't show emotion, 
Real men don't let others in. 

If that is what real men think, 
I don't want one,
If you would stop living by their rules 
You'd see just how much all this is hurting me. 
I want to see your emotions, 
I want to see you care. 
I want to see you MAN up,
I want to see the you, 
The you I know is hiding inside,

If real men are suppose to be strong, 
Strong enough to stop being afraid 
Of what other think 
Of showing people how they they feel. 
But since real men don't cry, 
Guess all will be fine when I'm no longer here

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